Showing posts with label Loreal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loreal. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

My skin Savior: L’Oreal Paris Extraordinary Boosting oil.

Hey guys!! Happy New Year… So winters in Mumbai are not so bad but somehow my skin which is usually normal to oily acne prone turns in to extremely dry acne prone skin. I get lot of dry patches around my mouth and cheeks; hence it requires extreme TNC during winters and I have to be very careful not so use something that will flare my acne....
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Wednesday, 3 August 2016

L'oreal Brow Artist Genius Kit : Review & Swatches

In last few years brows have suddenly become quite important for anyone who is enamoured with makeup. There is quite an influx of products o get that perfect brows from pencils to brow gels to powders to gel pomade etc. Even in India we have seen few of these products from Maybelline and Lakme. Now even L’Oreal has decided...
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Monday, 27 June 2016

L’Oreal Paris Kajal Magique Bold: Review, Swatches

"Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the darkest of them all"  If I was the wicked queen from Snow white, that would defiantly be my most sought out question as I'm continuously in search of the darkest, blackest & Boldest  kajal that I can lay my hands on. According to me kajal or a Kohl is most used and the most...
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